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Aderlating - Gospel of the Burning Idols (Black Plagve: Infect12)
DEATHSTENCH - Massed in Black Shadow (Black Plagve: Infect11)
Debut full length from the Los Angeles based duo of Darea Plantin and John-Paul Whetzel, also known for their work in the misanthropic black-doom trio, Welter in Thy Blood. Within their short discography, DEATHSTENCH has proven particularly adept incorporating elements of death industrial, dark ambient, doom, and black metal, and hideously transforming and molding them into a writhing mass of absolute filth and abject darkness. Built upon field recordings, scrap metal percussion, harrowing electronics, down tuned guitar & bass, and demonic vocalizations, the sound is both nihilistic and vile, rife with occult incantations, buzzing, distorted horror, and saturated walls of droning depravity that dissolve into roiling murk and hellish, blackened smear. Their latest installment, Massed in Black Shadow, is an impious communion summoning and invoking the soundtrack for all death to come. 6 tracks, totaling just over 45 minutes, guaranteed to deliver some of the most terrifying and purely misanthropic sounds you’re likely to find anywhere. “Bastards of the Black Flame” features additional sounds and effects by Cory Rowell of Demonologists, and all tracks are mastered by Billy Anderson (Neurosis, Sleep, Eyehategod, Crisis). For fans of Steel Hook Prostheses, MZ.412, Brighter Death Now, Abruptum.. $5.0
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Hypsiphrone - And The Void Shall Pierce Their Eyes (Black Plagve: Infect09)
Debut album from this one man project from Greece, and a new entry into the Black Plague roster, fitting right in with label mate’s Sewer Goddess in its ability to create innately evil and impure sounds, integrating elements of doom metal, black metal, and dark experimentalism into the pure industrial horror that constitutes the majority of this release. The result is nothing short of absolute and abject dread; 8 tracks spanning an hour worth of material…an auditory overload that’s completely immersive, and at times overwhelming , where heaving masses of percussive doom collide with shuddering machinery dirge, ghoulish and nightmarish ambience, torturous screams, and cinematic depravity, the sounds layered into a tangled and abstract tapestry of something completely epic and nearly majestic in its scale. Fans of Gnaw Their Tongues, Abruptum, and “Necrose Evangelicum” era BDN will do well to wallow in the oozing blackness and unbridled malevolence Hypsiphrone has created. Lmtd 500 copies, in 6 panel digipak.. $5.0
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Isolator - Culture and Principal of Anti-Human Exaltation (Black Plagve: Infect15)
There’s dark, and then there’s what Isolator create – an abyssal black hole fashioned from pure negativity and concentrated misanthropy, the sounds unraveling like a time lapse film of slow decay and rot, where cascading, shapeless drones meet charred orchestral swells, disembodied voices, ritual undertones, and crushing, blown out disharmonics, all slathered and smeared into a mass of roiling darkness . This is harrowing and bleak to an endless degree and takes desolation and hopelessness to new levels. Featuring members of Father Befouled/Encoffination and Set, the 5 extended tracks signify a vital new entry into the “black noise” genre and fits comfortably amidst its Black Plague brethren DEATHSTENCH, T.O.M.B., and Hypsiphrone, and will also find appeal for those who appreciate the dark drift of early Yen Pox. In 8 panel fold out digipak, lmtd 500 copies."...oozing blackness...Culture And Principal Of Anti-Human Exaltation" is the perfect soundtrack for an upcoming apocalypse... my absolute recommendation!" 10/10 Necroweb. $5.0
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Sewer Goddess - Painlust CD (Black Plagve: Infect14)
T.O.M.B. - Third Wave Holocaust (Black Plagve: Infect13)
Active for over a decade and with releases on Fall of Nature, Todestrieb, and Crucial Blast, Pennsylvania’s T.O.M.B. has come to embody the spirit of what Black Plagve is and was started for, pushing sound to the extreme by taking elements of dark ambient, noise, metal and death industrial and assembling them into powerful, blackened occult rituals. Built around field recordings that consist of cemetery desecrations, live crematory incineration's and disturbing, abandoned insane asylum ceremonies, everything is misshapen and deformed, twisted and crafted into harrowing episodes of hallucinatory, blood soaked rituals, demonic incantations, and waves of foul smelling textures. 10 tracks in total, some, such as Clairvoyant Frequencies, Electric Exorcism, or Vulgarity, with their dense reverberating churn, necrotized tones, and over modulated frequency abuse, fall into the power electronics vein. Others, such as the tribalistic Vom Voodoo, Na La Gore Na, and Tribute to Hanhua, are drenched in unholy atmospherics, with buried rhythms, clanging percussion and deathchant vocalizations. It’s all held together with a clenched, rotten fist, moving and writhing in perfect unison over its 50 time frame. Another strong and welcome addition to the growing Black Plagve roster and a resounding reason why T.O.M.B. remains at the forefront of the “black noise” movement.Recommended for fans of MZ.412, Gnaw Their Tongues, DEATHSTENCH.. $5.0
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U-731 - By All Means... (Black Plagve: Infect10)
Simultaneously the debut and swan song for this California based project of Gordon Lazarus, known previously for his work as Defiler and soon to be United Front. For "By All Means...", we find him continuing the path laid down by his previous project, only upping the paranoia and abject sense of hopelessness and negativity. Make no bones about it, this is a bleak release, and it’s no surprise he’s employed the services of like-minded roster mates John Stillings of Steel Hook Prostheses and Andy Grant of The Vomit Arsonist. The sound is not all that dissimilar to either act, only this seems to slow everything down to an even more morose level (if that’s possible), where distortion drenched waves of morbid frequencies waft underneath layers of gristle and murky atmospheres. Drowsy, lethargic voices and samples drift in and out of the mix, gaining momentum as it segues into more demented and antagonistic realms, the intensity ratcheted up as the tones become more sinister and agitated. Near the end, as Grant makes his appearance in both F.E.M.A. Care and By All Means, this reaches a near boiling point, before ending in the final moments of Suo Gan/Last Rights, where an angelic chorus is offset by the resonating sounds of explosives and deep reverberations. In 4 panel digipak, mastered by Steel Hook Audio and designed by Mories/Gnaw Their Tongues. Lmtd 500 copies.. $5.0
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